The Future of Unionism
So, this weekend, suitably be-anoraked Irish Nationalists gathered in the Three Arena, Dublin, to begin what they hope will be open dialogue in preparation for an inevitable action towards the political unification of Ireland as a state. It apparently didn’t appear...
So, it seems Nigel "Blame the BBC" has declined to debate with Change UK's Heidi Allen MP. Surely the godfather of Brexit should be only too happy to take on the sopping-wet former Tory...
The hour after the May departure
19.05 Day 0, outside 10 Downing Street. "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I have a brief prepared statement and then I will have time for some questions. This evening, as you've just heard, Theresa May has announced her intention to step down as the leader of...
Geraldine Dreadful MP’s Open Letter to Jews in the Labour Party
Geraldine Dreadful MP is keen to make sure Jews know their place in Labour.
The statement Enda Kenny should have given
When a political crisis occurs, it's vitally important for the principals to take a clear decision on whether they need to address the issue or see where it's running - so it seems. There is a third option - the proactive getting-out-ahead model which calms fears,...
Brexit – a reflection on an unhappy marriage
TL;DR: Brexit is a good thing; we should be throwing a fucking party. [bctt tweet="Hurting Ireland in a no-deal Brexit would be...
Vote for Trump
There's a lot wrong with America, or so it seems. Social Welfare and crime are out of control, race relations are strained, police are treated with suspicion, mostly because of their apparent predilection for shooting young African Americans, and for some reason,...