The end of ignorance

As so often before, victims of heinous, disgusting crimes are instantly ignored in the maelstrom of the culture war. Bonus points if they’re women.

The Emperor’s New Clothes

Sir Keir Starmer, erstwhile Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, waded into the swamp he had helped create a few weeks ago and has had a torrid time trying to convince the media to pay attention to policy and not the gifting...

Geraldine Dreadful MP’s Open Letter to Jews in the Labour Party

Geraldine Dreadful MP is keen to make sure Jews know their place in Labour.

The Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation

Six and a half minutes of your life wasted. Podcast Audio.

Turn off Activate. Reactivate the Vermin Club.

The sorts of people likely to turn to the Conservative Party (and more importantly actually vote Conservative) in the UK are not the sort of feckless mouth-breathing snowflake cretins who flock to the bearded brother of Chavez on the Left.  They are not excited by...

Who Governs? June 2017 Edition

A quick synopsis of the UK General Election, prepared by 'hateful tory scum'.  Your mileage may vary.   [bctt tweet="This six minute audio summarises the UK general election in a way even Donald Trump would understand."...


When the music's over, turn out the lights, Jim Morrison intones, as Kensington (fucking Kensington) goes red on the election map.  This...

An application to become national security advisor

Dear President Trump, Thank you for the opportunity to apply for the position of National Security Advisor - an important role at a vitally important time in American and world history. My National Security credentials are pretty thin - and I'm not a US citizen.  But...

Trading liberty for safety

The second a home-grown terrorist strikes in the USA, the whole illusion of government-sanctioned safety will be destroyed. That’s scary.

The Ban Hammer

There were a number of inevitabilities about the decision by US President Donald Trump to restrict travel to and through the USA last week. First and foremost, it was inevitable that he would do it. He has been signposting the restriction for months before the US...