All in this together.  Or ‘fun with anagrams’

All in this together. Or ‘fun with anagrams’

It is clearly the case that, despite the best hopes and dreams of members of the Conservative Party, Boris Johnson has not been forged, either via the hammering of COVID nor the white heat of Brexit, into a world class leader and statesman. It is also fairly clear...

The Ban Hammer

There were a number of inevitabilities about the decision by US President Donald Trump to restrict travel to and through the USA last week. First and foremost, it was inevitable that he would do it. He has been signposting the restriction for months before the US...

Get off your ass and vote

America, the land of the free and the home of the brave. You'd need to be very brave if you're prepared to wake up tomorrow with Donald Jackass Trump as the president elect of the United States. There is one proven way to prevent this from happening. Grab this...