by nabidana | Mar 15, 2009 | Uncategorized
Sitting about two feet from the core of the Ireland Rugby team in Nando’s, Dundrum. Sort of starstruck, but too respectful of the team’s downtime after their win against Scotland, just one week away from Irish sporting history, to even make it clear I know...
by nabidana | Mar 14, 2009 | Uncategorized
In the aftermath of three terrorist murders and the end of dissident republican ceasefires which threaten to plunge the region into devastating social and economic crises, the people of Northern Ireland this week expressed a willingness to return to their trivial...
by nabidana | Mar 10, 2009 | politics
Northern Ireland is, to put it mildly, having a bad week. The murder, apparently by the Real IRA of two soldiers, in which four other people were seriously injured (deliberately, mind) shocked the governments and media at home and overseas (France24 had the best...
by nabidana | Mar 9, 2009 | Uncategorized
“We will reject the boom and bust policies which caused the collapse of the housing market” – Labour Manifesto, 1997 “By 2010, we want Britain to break away from the decades of boom and bust, as we stick to clear rules for spending and...
by nabidana | Mar 8, 2009 | stupidity, unstupidity
Everything is melting in nature. The Apollonian things of western sex and art reach their economic glorification in capitalism. Emotion is passion, a continuum of eroticism and aggression. The major women of tragedy – Euripides’ Medea and Phaedra,...