The UK is beset by an enemy within. The enemy is not the unemployed, it’s certainly not people with disabilities, the sick or immigrants.

Nor is the enemy the businesses, large and small, which want to employ people and pay their fair contribution to taxes and employers national insurance. The enemy isn’t even the UKIP, which is more a menace to commonsense than an enemy per se.
The enemy within the UK is the cabal of millionaires and opportunists on the petty-left whose modus operandi is the pursuit of electoral power without economic responsibility, and whose proposed method of achieving their goal is the purchase of a class of people at the cost of the stability of the whole nation.
Labour’s way of winning power is to convince the downtrodden, the unemployed and the poor that the world is against them, in the shape of the Conservatives who deny them their right to their benefits. They carefully construct an idea of society where everybody is eligible to receive something from someone else – they seek to assert that everybody’s needs can be met by the rich, until it becomes pretty clear that what Labour means by rich is anybody they haven’t made clients of, plus you and me, but not the millionaires at the top of the Labour pile.
The Labour way of winning power is to reinforce their carefully constructed client state through the promise of yet more bounties to come for those who seek to strive for nothing. They will oppose the plans to help more people with milder disabilities into work and they will outright reject those plans which make it more difficult for people without a genuine reason not to work.
They will seek to encourage those in underoccupied houses that they have a right to keep their empty rooms and that the tories are vicious in their attempt to free up the larger housing stock for larger families.
They will seek to portray the tories as the party dismantling the NHS, when in reality the health service started almost actively killing people and seeking to cover it up under Labour’s last watch – and actual spending on the NHS has risen every year under the coalition.
They will promise more spending and less taxation. They will oppose every cut without exception. They will welcome none of the measures introduced to make the welfare system fairer and encourage people to work. They will seek to demonise businesses and lead the chorus of indignation when the necessary steps to generate growth and investment are undertaken.
For every necessary step to be taken to rebuild our economy from the rubble left by the shower of morons in red from the last government, there will be a Labour campaign to spend more money. For every balancing action which seeks to reduce the size but increase the impact of the state for those most in need of its support, Labour will decry what they need to portray as nasty tories doing nasty things.
The economic history of the UK after the war is predictable – Labour comes into power and promises to spend money, and it does, leaving an enormous mess. Conservatives come into power and tell everyone it’ll be a nasty job to undo the mess, and it is. The difference in the past has been that Labour has backed off when it’s been clear that they bore responsibility for the crisis. Not this time – the party prefers to ignore the shame of Labour’s years of spend and ignore the steps needed to fix the problem. Instead of acting as a friend of the recovery, they act as if everything was perfect in 2010 – and seek never to take responsibility for the biggest overrun in spending since records began.
Labour has no interest in a recovery based on a society paying its way. Labour needs clients – a working class to patronise, an urban poor to promise green grass under a red government. Conservatives have an interest in rebuilding our society, supporting communities to support themselves, building growth and employment for all. Conservatives know the enemy within is Labour left alone to coddle the client state – and we should be prepared to name that enemy and shut it down.