How do you solve a problem like gobshites?

How do you solve a problem like gobshites?

That the newspapers have been keen to hoist Maria Miller, the minister responsible for the shepherding the press regulation legislation from a lamppost for continuing to claim a level of expenses on a mortgage after a favourable change in the lending interest rate is...

Sometimes a view is just a view

Every so often I reboot this blog, and every so often someone comes along to give me a reason why I should constrain my blogging. I already do. I work for an organisation which has Political views in many areas, and which is led by democratically elected people. Those...

We’ve failed humanity.

Tonight the UK Parliament voted in favour of dictators gassing their people. I’ve never ever felt ashamed to be British before, but this is a terrible decision. When soman, tabun and cyclosarin starts being dropped on innocents and protesters, the regimes will...
Late to the party

Late to the party

That there are some men in social media who get their jollies from threatening strong, intelligent women online is not exactly surprising. Sick puppies abound. That the response of some feminists is to decide on a day in the near future to not engage in Twitter is...
Making a playlist for a killer

Making a playlist for a killer

I have been taking advice from writers on how to actually knuckle down and finish a project I’ve been working on.  Some of the best advice seemed to involve not drinking coffee, some involved sitting in cafes with just a cup of coffee until bored enough to knock...