by nabidana | Feb 21, 2011 | Ireland, Ireland, Ireland Election 2011, politics
Quite apart from the hilarity of trying to identify an actual economic policy in Sinn Féin’s election materials, the funniest thing about the Irish election so far has been the squirming and luckless campaign from Fianna Fáil. Those from the red and blue corners...
by nabidana | Feb 20, 2011 | Uncategorized
Had a great meeting with @suzybie today. # Hatemail sack at the ready. Blogpost: Ask Gerry Adams #ge11 #sf #dontshootme # Ever Wanted to ask Gerry Adams to solve your problems? # New blog posting, Ask Gerry Adams –...
by nabidana | Feb 17, 2011 | Fake News
An occasional section where we put your concerns and questions to people in the news. This week, Gerry Adams, former Member of Parliament for the constituency of Belfast West and more recently Baron of the Manor of Northstead has crossed the border to the Republic of...
by nabidana | Feb 13, 2011 | Uncategorized
#BaconFilms A Beautiful Rind # #BaconFilms The Rindside # #BaconFilms Meet Joe Back # #BaconFilms Driving Miss Bacon # #BaconFilms Fry Hard, Fry Harder, Fry Hard With a Vengeance and Fry Hard 4.0 # #BaconFilms Mystic Rasher # #BaconFilms The Danish Connection #...
by nabidana | Feb 11, 2011 | Ireland, Ireland Election 2011, politics
Everyone was certain that Enda Kenny’s avoidance of the first televised debate would do him immense damage. Some prophecied the return of Fianna Fáil to government, some foresaw a Fine Gael putsch (artfully covered by the brilliant Juno McEnroe this week) and...