by nabidana | Jan 5, 2011 | Books
Someone asked via a very nice email which books I could see round me right at that moment. Never one to disappoint my reader, I’ve sat down and looked around me. The books I can see from here, constituting about a tenth of the collection in my soon to be much...
by nabidana | Jan 2, 2011 | the interwebs, this blog
With so many awesome bloggers having departed in November and Decvember of 2010, political blogging feels a little like a sinking ship. Even this site, which is, let’s face it, a cheerleading resource for the Conservatives and the Cameroons, has changed its...
by nabidana | Dec 25, 2010 | Fake News
In between goading ‘the Argies’ to ‘have a go if they think they’re hard enough’, Her Majesty called upon her son HRH The Prince of Wales to ‘grow a pair’ and challenge her if he really wants the throne. Focusing on sport, she...
by nabidana | Dec 24, 2010 | this blog
I’m an atheist. But what I get to see at this time of year is something really special; people all around me struggling to do something for other people, usually not in the expectation of any great return, and often in aid of simply getting together with...
by nabidana | Dec 24, 2010 | Fake News
Dec 24, 2010, 11.14am The annual charity circumnavigation flight by St Nicholas may not go ahead tonight, according to a release by the US Federal Aviation Administration. The flight, traditionally undertaken in a craft rated for ENOPS (Extended Nine Engine...