
With all serious issues with hosting now resolved, nábídá is almost again ready for re-release.  From now on there will be more of a joint focus on satire across the political and technology areas.  There will be a fair smattering of simple blasphemy, some...

Change is good

Changing web hosting provider is never pretty, especially when they all seem to want to offer nonsensical services as product differentiation.  As a result, what seemed like a comedy ‘it may take 2 weeks to get the site up and running again’  post is...

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-25

The clientele of M&S is delightfully absurd. I do love this company. # Right, everyone. Sorry I neglected my twitter duties for so long. Am back now with a sophisticated vengeance....

The Ultimate Playlist

Some notes These are by no means the best tracks made by the artists featured.  In some cases they’re not even in the top three, but they gel together in a great playlist that seems to ebb and flow and never quite jars Videos for around 80% of these are...

Site changes

The site will shut down in July for two weeks to facilitate changeover to a new provider. When it comes back, it will have a new design and a brand new focus. Thanks for being with me for the second phase of the site – the third will be quite something....