by nabidana | Aug 1, 2008 | this blog
Dublin, I was often told by my erstwhile friends in Northern Ireland, is a bad place, the enemy of my state, the great danger to my people. It is a scary place, it’s noisy and it can be bewildering. It’s also amazing, surprising, exciting and immense fun....
by nabidana | Jul 5, 2008 | this blog
Listen to the omnicast. The podcast this week covers Irish, UK and USA politics, with a little Zimbabwean current affairs, a spot of extreme anger about Viacom and love for Caroline from O2 Ireland over the iPhone. Get up to date with everything Nábídána gives a hoot...
by nabidana | May 19, 2008 | this blog
Listen to the omnicast. The podcast this week covers US and UK politics. Get up to date with everything Nábídána gives a hoot about. 3.5mins, MP3 [audio:]...