Gordon Brown’s Jonah Complex

Gordon Brown is a klutz, a jinx, fool whose every touch turns the object touched to shit. Where Blair had a Midas-like ability to hold the faith of at least the mainstream, he has been succeeded by a man capable of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory at every...

To #44, from #43

Dear President Obama, As is the tradition, a departing President passes on personal pearls of wisdom to an incoming President, through an anguished, manic, handwritten, tear-stained letter. First of all, the cold faucet in the oval office bathroom is screwed, has too...
o wau, hai. teh kitteh is lurnin bout memetics.

o wau, hai. teh kitteh is lurnin bout memetics.

Perhaps the most important meme extant on the web today is the existence of memes themselves.  If you don’t know what a meme is, then you need to go find out, and read some Dawkins while you’re at it.  Little chunks of information and zeitgeist rolled into...


The idea of the slutwalk, that most postmodern and reactionary of protest movements, is absolutely indefatigably right: women have the right to dress and act however they wish, and there is never a circumstance when it is acceptable for a woman to be attacked. As one...