by nabidana | Aug 23, 2009 | commerce and trade
Libertarian Tory blogger Thomas Byrne makes some arguments recently on his blog, then debated on Twitter, about the desirability or not of state funding of University. I don’t ever do this, but as a fellow Conservative, I am sure he won’t have a problem...
by nabidana | May 31, 2009 | Uncategorized
With apologies to Jerome K Jerome and anyone who loves the book as much as I do. As told to the blogger by David Cameron. THERE were four of us – Gordon, and Nick Clegg, and myself, and the Speaker of the House. We were sitting in my room, smoking, and talking...
by nabidana | May 4, 2009 | Uncategorized
A chap working within the PR field has weighed into the argument around regulation of blogs. The article in the Sunday Business Post was as tiresome to read as the website of the chap in question, to whom I shall henceforth refer as ‘Mr Republic’ The basic...
by nabidana | Apr 13, 2009 | Uncategorized
Fascist blogger and denier of the brilliance of the Glorious Leader Guido Fawkes has been recorded by the Mirror denying hiding in piles of leaves last autumn collecting dog dirt in freezer bags. We can reveal how he: DENIES membership of Al-Qameron, the fascist...
by nabidana | Jan 20, 2009 | politics, war for the whitehouse
Barack Obama is now the 44th President of the United States, a few minutes behind schedule. In a great inauguration ceremony, the first African-American President made an outstanding speech, which was, this blogger thought, not likely to do anything to underplay the...