David Laws resigns

The former Chief Secretary to the Treasury, David Laws MP, has resigned his position, on the basis that he has broken the rules on MPs expenses. Mr Laws, a Liberal Democrat, claimed Parliamentary allowances for accommodation, which he paid to a person with whom he was...

Nobody believes me…

I got a few scoffing emails, mostly from idiots, on my suggestion on Sunday that Arlene Foster could be appointed First Minister in the Northern Ireland Executive. I think this is a good move for a number of good reasons, and for me massively improves the standing of...
A week with the MacBook Pro

A week with the MacBook Pro

One week since I bought my new MacBook Pro 13′, I thought I should probably document my experiences of switching from being solely a PC user to being a PC and Mac hybrid geek.  If you’re here for Politics which most people are, you may want to move on from...


The excitement around the BNP’s election, on the final allocation, to two seats in the European Parliament, has perhaps blinded the political right to the more serious constitutional problem the increasingly insane Brown’s band of simpering morons is now...