Still a Conservative

In the twenty years since I joined the Conservative Party (and I am only thirty-six now, so imagine how insufferable that was), I have only expressed outright disapprobation with the direction of the party once – when Iain Duncan Smith was leader, after his...

Bloody Sunday Inquiry

For decent, humanitarian, human-rights aware British people, this week has been both extremely affirming and incredibly painful. The affirmation is hard to express adequately, but it comes from the transcendent sense that we did the right thing this week. The...

David Laws resigns

The former Chief Secretary to the Treasury, David Laws MP, has resigned his position, on the basis that he has broken the rules on MPs expenses. Mr Laws, a Liberal Democrat, claimed Parliamentary allowances for accommodation, which he paid to a person with whom he was...

David Cameron is Prime Minister.

Rejoice, just rejoice.  As Gordon Brown made the single best speech of his life, resigning his commission, I doubt many in the country who care about these things had a dry eye.   I’m delighted to see the Labour Party in opposition, and I’m hoping that...

I love my party and I trust its leadership.

So here we are, in the process of creating a stable and responsible Government for the United Kingdom.  The negotiations at the Cabinet Office between William Hague, George Osborne and Oliver Letwin from the Conservatives and a much larger group from the Liberal...