by nabidana | Oct 6, 2008 | politics
I have to tell you, Barack Obama’s chances of winning this election scare the shit out of me, and I’d say Sarah Palin is probably pretty terrified at the remainder of the campaign, but while all the talk of terrorist friends is circulating, let’s not...
by nabidana | Oct 4, 2008 | politics
This isn’t a post about the liberal media bias, though the discourse is undoubtedly pro-ass at the moment. Al Franken did a fantastic job of taking the myth of the Liberal monolith apart, and I’m not as funny as Al Franken. The reality for McCampaigners at...
by nabidana | Oct 3, 2008 | politics
So, Sarah Palin pulled a competent, almost coherent performance out of the bag against the poor Joe Biden last night. I think the public will consider her first half pretty awful, with the second half of the debate putting Biden on the back foot. On balance, I would...
by nabidana | Oct 2, 2008 | politics
Waiting for Sarah Palin and Joe Biden to do battle tonight seems to many of my friends to be a dedication to the cause beyond the call of duty; but everybody knows that joe Biden will kick her ass into next and two days. Right? The thing is, i’m not so sure...