Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-13

#BaconFilms A Beautiful Rind # #BaconFilms The Rindside # #BaconFilms Meet Joe Back # #BaconFilms Driving Miss Bacon # #BaconFilms Fry Hard, Fry Harder, Fry Hard With a Vengeance and Fry Hard 4.0 # #BaconFilms Mystic Rasher # #BaconFilms The Danish Connection #...

Enda Kenny

Everyone was certain that Enda Kenny’s avoidance of the first televised debate would do him immense damage. Some prophecied the return of Fianna Fáil to government, some foresaw a Fine Gael putsch (artfully covered by the brilliant Juno McEnroe this week) and...

Reclaiming Elitism

The word Elite has been captured by the left just as our Union flag has been captured by the extreme right. Its use today, more often hissed or screamed out by people on the left of politics, conjures up a mishmash of concepts, almost exclusively assumed to be...

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-06

That’s it. Ireland escape. ITALY 11 – 13 IRELAND. Depression. # Ireland response is immediate and brilliant. O’Gara for the drop goal. Italy 11 – 13 Ireland # Bergamaco misses the conversion. Sean Cronin on at hooker to replace Rory Best. 4...