BP Hails Hyperefficient Gulf Coast

BP Hails Hyperefficient Gulf Coast

Speaking in a press conference in Miami, Florida, BP CEO Bob Dudley praised the new found super efficiency of the Gulf Coast’s wildlife. One year on from the oil rig disaster which cost eleven lives and spilled crude oil across the sea in an enormous swathe,...
Nick Griffin

Nick Griffin

Nick Griffin, erstwhile leader of the UK’s leading practitioners of the politics that dare not speak its name (neofascism) has been, not for the first time, outed as a homosexual. Whether he is or is not is utterly immaterial to me, and should be to most...

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-17

RT @key_denise: Hey sumbody shout me out on twitter # Update: wear seatbelts, kids. The guy down there didn’t. From what I can see from 23rd floor, it’ll be a closed casket. # Cars dragracing outside my hotel, one crashed and flipped over. Police,...