Who Governs Podcast now on iTunes

Who Governs Podcast now on iTunes

The nábídána podcast is now an actual thing.  We’ll be doing a lot more in the coming months, but for now, if you are the sort of person who listens to podcasts, you’ll find it now on https://itunes.apple.com/ie/podcast/nabidana.com/id967792920?mt=2 The...

Who Governs? February 2015

I am reviving my sometimes-amusing, always-informative Who Governs podcast, monthly.  If you are the sort of person who likes both podcasts and the sound of my voice, you are going to be delighted with this. It is a coverage of what’s happening in actual...

Olivia Newton-John the sexual predator

I have been thinking carefully about an important matter – the sexist and basically confusing message of Olivia Newton John’s 1981 hit ‘Physical’. At the start of the song, she outlines classic elements of ‘studied charisma’ which...