by nabidana | Nov 7, 2014 | Labour Leadership
Anyone asking ‘can Ed hold on’ hasn’t been studying the form of the Labour front bench. Of all the people who could take over in the event of a departure of the Dear Leader, those best qualified would also be the most man-marked politicians in the...
by nabidana | Nov 5, 2014 | Uncategorized
Gregory Campbell, MP and MLA for Londonderry East, enjoys courting controversy on dog-whistle issues in Northern Ireland. He’s good at it – he’s got a lot of wit and can be genuinely funny, but there is a bite and a bitterness to his politics which...
by nabidana | Sep 23, 2014 | politics
Friends, I am so delighted to be here with you in Manchester, the constantly shifting capital of our changing Britain. I want to discuss an important issue today – change. Change for the better. Change for prosperity. Change for our country’s well off,...
by nabidana | Jun 3, 2014 | Europe, politics
The European Commission has finally realised that the long-term sexless relationship between the UK and the federalist project is over. We’re still meeting for coffee but not ordering cake anymore. We’re returning each other’s messages but there...
by nabidana | Jun 2, 2014 | Conservatives, Europe, politics
“What is one to make of the rise of UKIP?” – asked nobody with any commonsense, ever. That having been said, there are plenty of people with no commonsense desperate to shrinkwrap a simple answer to the problem of the purple and yellow party (by remarkable coincidence...