by nabidana | Mar 27, 2011 | Hoons, Labour Leadership, politics, stupidity, Uncategorized, unions
Anarchists have condemned the actions of tens of thousands of peaceful protesters in yesterday’s anti-cuts demonstrations in cities across the UK. Speaking exclusively to nábídá, one leading protestor, describing himself only as ‘frog’ said the...
by nabidana | Mar 20, 2011 | Fake News, Libya
Dateline 20 March 2011 10.31Z httpv:// Forces loyal to Col Qaddafi have appealed to the United Nations after US psychological operations forces appear to have airdropped copies of Rebecca Black’s ‘Friday’ single on...
by nabidana | Mar 19, 2011 | Fake News, Libya
The United Nations Security Council has held an emergency in-camera meeting to establish an official spelling of the Libyan leader’s name. The meeting, called by France, Lebanon and Russia, seeks to determine an internationally accepted name for the man,...
by nabidana | Mar 19, 2011 | Diplomacy
The UN mandate for a No Fly Zone and other measures in Libya has the potential to create breathing space for rebel forces in Libya; though it comes too late and is barely sufficient, it is a welcome step, and welcome too that David Cameron has led the way....
by nabidana | Mar 13, 2011 | Uncategorized
Just dropped my iPhone 4 in a cup of hot delicious tea. Fuck. # #NUSUK president @AaronPorter giving an excellent speech at #USI11 # Owen Paterson wearing far too nice a suit for Northern Ireland. # Margaret Richie was obviously taught human emotion by a block of...