by nabidana | Aug 25, 2010 | Labour Leadership, politics
Former Health Secretary Andy Burnham has revealed to the Times his inspiration for seeking to be leader of the Labour party. In his exclusive article to be published this Friday 27 August, the self-described ‘ordinary’ candidate has expressed his...
by nabidana | Aug 24, 2010 | Labour Leadership, unstupidity
The wife of Labour leadership candidate Ed Balls has asked the public not to take matters into their own hands after the hapless politician was found in a wheelie bin outside his own house. Yvette Cooper, MP for Normanton, Pontefract and Castleford has said...
by nabidana | Aug 13, 2010 | Labour Leadership, politics
As a pro-Cameron tory, it’s actually quite hard at the moment to write a blog with a political theme without feeling a pleasant calm ennui. It’s actually difficult to find something to write about. Labour MPs are being wooed by a shower of talentless...
by nabidana | Aug 5, 2010 | Uncategorized
Geraldine Dreadful, erstwhile Member of Parliament for the constituency of Sickle and Hammer East has written to Iain Duncan Smith MP, this time concerned at his proposals on Social Welfare payments, which could result in a reduction in the total number of funds and...
by nabidana | Aug 4, 2010 | the interwebs, this blog
httpv:// As you can no doubt see, the site is a good bit prettier than it was before. Gone is the radioactive lime green rounded helvetica, and in come some truly lovely fonts (IMHO) from the collection at Font Squirrel. I wanted to...