by nabidana | May 10, 2010 | Uncategorized
So here we are, in the process of creating a stable and responsible Government for the United Kingdom. The negotiations at the Cabinet Office between William Hague, George Osborne and Oliver Letwin from the Conservatives and a much larger group from the Liberal...
by nabidana | May 8, 2010 | Bbc, Election 2010
by nabidana | May 7, 2010 | Uncategorized
4.25pm May 7 2010. Conservative Campaign Headquarters DAVID CAMERON (For it is he) “Hello, can I speak to Nick Clegg please” NICK CLEGG (For it is he) “Yes, Prime Mini…- David. I’ve been waiting for your call.” CAMERON: “How...
by nabidana | May 7, 2010 | Election 2010, Uncategorized
Some supposed Conservative commentators have criticised David Cameron for his positioning immediately following the result in the general election. David Cameron has led his party from basketcase status to gaining more seats than any Conservative leader in recent...
by nabidana | May 7, 2010 | Uncategorized
The Conservative Party has won the UK general election, winning more votes than any other party and more seats than any other party. David Cameron has not won a majority, and as a result the incumbent Prime Minister has a right to try to form a government. He can do...