I love my party and I trust its leadership.

So here we are, in the process of creating a stable and responsible Government for the United Kingdom.  The negotiations at the Cabinet Office between William Hague, George Osborne and Oliver Letwin from the Conservatives and a much larger group from the Liberal...

That historic phone conversation in full

4.25pm May 7 2010. Conservative Campaign Headquarters DAVID CAMERON (For it is he) “Hello, can I speak to Nick Clegg please” NICK CLEGG (For it is he) “Yes, Prime Mini…- David.  I’ve been waiting for your call.” CAMERON: “How...

Conservatives win

The Conservative Party has won the UK general election, winning more votes than any other party and more seats than any other party.  David Cameron has not won a majority, and as a result the incumbent Prime Minister has a right to try to form a government. He can do...