The Conservatives (and Saatchis) have produced posters highlighting some of the shortcomings of Gordon Brown in an attempt to remind people what a useless dreadful appalling arsehole he is.  But I don’t think they’ve gone far enough.  And now I think...
Geraldine Dreadful MP writes to Frank Field MP

Geraldine Dreadful MP writes to Frank Field MP

Dear former comrade Field, I read with some disbelief, shock, ennui and anger reports of comments that you made that it would not make you physically sick to encounter David Cameron, and that you would not consider setting fire to yourself if he ever phoned you....
Polls for breakfast, polls for dinner

Polls for breakfast, polls for dinner

Opinion polls are the methodone fix for unreconstructed politics addicts between elections.  Our resident pusher is Mike Smithson, the genial and analytically astute host of, a site which pulls together the rumour-mill, the important...