The Prime Mentalist

The Prime Mentalist

It’s not big and it’s not clever, and I know it’s not nice politics, and I know it’s taken out of context, but who couldn’t love his manic contrived attempts to appear human. I present, for your use, the Prime Mentalist. To give you an...

Blogging Dublin

Dublin, I was often told by my erstwhile friends in Northern Ireland, is a bad place, the enemy of my state, the great danger to my people. It is a scary place, it’s noisy and it can be bewildering. It’s also amazing, surprising, exciting and immense fun....

David Davis is a hero of our time

David Davis, who took a decision today to stand up for something in which he fervently believes, is something of a rarity in British politics.  Nabidana supports his stance, and wishes him every success in his campaign.