Nobody believes me…

I got a few scoffing emails, mostly from idiots, on my suggestion on Sunday that Arlene Foster could be appointed First Minister in the Northern Ireland Executive. I think this is a good move for a number of good reasons, and for me massively improves the standing of...

iPhone 3GS WiFi speed inconsistency report

UPDATE- Now with links that work.  Stupid idiot. If you’ve been left scratching your head about why the iPhone 3GS can be so awesome in many respects, but why it sucks in terms of its WiFi, you’re not alone. A few triangulated tests here have shown extreme...

A new design for a new post-hoon era

This new design is a little less unruly than the messy desk, and handles the iPhone better.  If you like it, tell your friends.  If you don’t, please tell me. [UPDATE]:  The new setup brings some interesting and useful new features for people seeking to tweet...

Draper is today’s fish and chip wrapper

Derek Draper has gone from official duties in the Labour Party*, partially due to pressure from the blogosphere, partially due to his own stupidity, and partially due to the fact he was always going to be found out as a moronic charlatan at some stage, even by Labour....