by nabidana | Mar 7, 2011 | Ireland
If there’s not enough snorting arrogance in your life currently, why not consider checking out the newly fisked Irish Programme for Government. The document is freshly gone over by former Independent candidate for Dáil Éireann @john_mcguirk and the humble...
by nabidana | Mar 6, 2011 | Uncategorized
FIne Gael and Labour promise to split the job of explaining that absolutely none of their manifestos will be implemented. #ge11 # Forgot about Improv & Comedy workshop today. Which is so not funny. # BREAKING NEWS: Irish Government to make entire national opiate...
by nabidana | Mar 5, 2011 | Ireland, Ireland, Ireland Election 2011, politics
For reasons which will become more apparent soon, I have decided to give up on coverage of Irish Politics. This blog was never about the politics of Ireland, but in the run up to the General Election 2011, it made sense to get embedded in that. I’ll be...
by nabidana | Feb 27, 2011 | Uncategorized
Blogpost: Letter to a young Fianna Fáiler. #ge11 #ff # Blogpost: Letter to a young Fianna Fáiler # And now the civil war within SInn Féin IRA can...
by nabidana | Feb 27, 2011 | Uncategorized
Dear young Fianna Fáiler, Right now, the whole world must be a painful place. You’re confused about everything you know. You’re convinced that people on the bus, in the corridor and next door are laughing at you and feeling sorry for your very existence....