
Fiona Apple has a song, ‘Limp’ which, although directed at a former lover, might well be usefully directed at our old friend Lord Mandelson of Hartlepool, Mortgage Application and Passport Protocol. In the past, if Mandy gave a major policy speech, the...

Mandelson used to be much better at this

Peter Mandelson, First Secretary of State, Lord of the Realm, used to be much better at the smear-and-run stuff. This week he’s seizing on the opportunity to attack Tory backbench MEP Daniel Hannan as some sort of crypto-racist and crypto-facist. Mandelson, the...

No time for rearguard action

Peter ‘Dodgy’ Mandelson’s increasingly bitter and nasty attacks on George Osborne are entirely off script: the timing of his comment that Osborne’s claiming of ‘progressive’ for the conservatives, right at the end of his Today...