Just a taster…

Just a taster…

I’ve decided to do a bit of muck-raking, on the whole ‘making fun of Gordon Brown’ trip.  You know how it is when you get stuck in a creative...

Two lessons in politics and government from Ireland

Irlande, Nul Points First the mildly funny story.  It emerged this morning that since 2003, more than 18,000 people cases of serious road traffic offences have been brought to court in Ireland and convicted of.  Of those, it would appear that just over 700 of those...

Hello Margaret, Goodbye, SDLP?

The decision to elect Margaret Ritchie MLA leader of the Social, Democratic and Labour Party is the decision which will destroy the party. To be fair, the choice was between a political operator at turns smooth and utterly unsophisticated whom many in the party...