by nabidana | Sep 22, 2015 | Books, politics
The latest book by Lord Ashcroft, former non-dom donor to the Conservative Party, has been recalled after serialization of the tome was found to exceed emissions standards for personally held gripes and axe-grinding instruments. The book “Call Me Dave”, in...
by nabidana | Jun 2, 2013 | A Graveyard, Books
I have been taking advice from writers on how to actually knuckle down and finish a project I’ve been working on. Some of the best advice seemed to involve not drinking coffee, some involved sitting in cafes with just a cup of coffee until bored enough to knock...
by nabidana | Jan 5, 2011 | Books
Someone asked via a very nice email which books I could see round me right at that moment. Never one to disappoint my reader, I’ve sat down and looked around me. The books I can see from here, constituting about a tenth of the collection in my soon to be much...