by nabidana | Aug 19, 2009 | Uncategorized
The NHS, and its sister organisations across the UK, are in dreadful shape. At best, a doctor would prescribe bed rest, at worst amputations. Waiting lists, overstressed doctors, Whitehall setting targets on the basis of focus group findings, and now the appointment...
by nabidana | Aug 18, 2009 | Uncategorized
Peter ‘Dodgy’ Mandelson’s increasingly bitter and nasty attacks on George Osborne are entirely off script: the timing of his comment that Osborne’s claiming of ‘progressive’ for the conservatives, right at the end of his Today...
by nabidana | Aug 14, 2009 | Uncategorized
Sorry about the hashtag-as-a-title thing, but it will make Tweeting a lot easier. The media is alight today, as it often is in silly season, with news of Dan Hannan, erstwhile Tory MEP from the South of England calling the NHS a ‘sixty year mistake’ and...
by nabidana | May 13, 2009 | politics, unstupidity
Cecil Troughson, Labour MP for Lower Grifting South and Much Moaning, guest blogs today on the expenses furore engulfing the Westminster village. Back in the eighties, when the Trades Unions were able to afford much more worthwhile expenses accounts, it was a point of...