by nabidana | Sep 22, 2009 | Uncategorized
As we face in to the last rites for the Brown administration ( or ‘Labour Party Conference’ as they optimistically call it) , we should note that the Baroness Scotland incident is just indicative of the shower of arse we have in charge. Brown, the...
by nabidana | Sep 15, 2009 | Uncategorized
Make no doubt about it, this was Gordon Brown’s last speech to the TUC as Prime Minister. In a dreadful speech, he finally committed his biggest U-turn ever. httpv://
by nabidana | Aug 18, 2009 | Uncategorized
Peter ‘Dodgy’ Mandelson’s increasingly bitter and nasty attacks on George Osborne are entirely off script: the timing of his comment that Osborne’s claiming of ‘progressive’ for the conservatives, right at the end of his Today...
by nabidana | Aug 12, 2009 | Uncategorized
Much is being made of Lord Mandelson’s period at the helm of the Labour Party, but nohing which ought to worry or concern Conservatives. Peter Mandelson, fresh from declaring he wasnt in charge at the end of last week, has taken control of the Labour government...
by nabidana | Jul 29, 2009 | Uncategorized
David Cameron is trending strongly on Twitter today, in what looks to me as an indication to Labour that DC can dominate social media without any effort whatsoever, and make it look effortless. And he can; most people tweeting about Cameron’s...