Conservatives don’t do lacklustre

Conservatives don’t do lacklustre

David Cameron is, without a doubt, the best performing politician in the country, when he turns it on.  Unfortunately, sometimes he runs at half tilt.  As a result, at his absolute lowest ebb, sometimes he is actually bested by Gordon Brown.  Heaven forfend! That...
Sour Grapes in a Snow Storm

Sour Grapes in a Snow Storm

So, the plot against Gordon Brown has died on its feet.  Patricia Hewitt has seen for herself why the armed forces felt less than impressed by Geoff Hoon’s goat-like nimbleness, when he gave the arse of all interviews on the BBC Newsnight programme. Nick...

There are so many more reasons to vote Conservative

Yesterday, David Cameron announced the proposed response of the Conservative Party to the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty.  He made it clear that that Conservatives would work within Europe, that the party sees no need to leave the EU, but, in line with our long...

Brown dithers into oblivion

As we face in to the last rites for the Brown administration ( or ‘Labour Party Conference’ as they optimistically call it) , we should note that the Baroness Scotland incident is just indicative of the shower of arse we have in charge. Brown, the...


Sorry about the hashtag-as-a-title thing, but it will make Tweeting a lot easier. The media is alight today, as it often is in silly season, with news of Dan Hannan, erstwhile Tory MEP from the South of England calling the NHS a ‘sixty year mistake’ and...