Ireland gets a second chance to get it wrong

I don’t usually comment on Irish politics.  It is, after all, their country, and they can do whatever they want to it.  But the latest posters for the Lisbon Treaty Referendum, put up by the intensely nasty campaign group Cóir should ensure that this referendum...

The Anti-Midas Touch

I think the scales have now effectively tipped against Labour, and that further wriggling will sink them further.  I think their brand is irretrievably damaged and they need a cathartic change now if they are to survive the next election without a catastrophic split...


Sorry about the hashtag-as-a-title thing, but it will make Tweeting a lot easier. The media is alight today, as it often is in silly season, with news of Dan Hannan, erstwhile Tory MEP from the South of England calling the NHS a ‘sixty year mistake’ and...

Too many twits might make a twat

David Cameron is trending strongly on Twitter today, in what looks to me as an indication to Labour that DC can dominate social media without any effort whatsoever, and make it look effortless. And he can; most people tweeting about Cameron’s...

Someone at the MOD needs a PR course

If I was the PR at the MOD (and I am by no means asking for a job) I would go home each night and kick the cat, wondering why I’m so shit at my job. Alternatively, I might think I’m so brilliant I need a pay rise. It’s rare when a story about a...