Bloody Sunday Inquiry

For decent, humanitarian, human-rights aware British people, this week has been both extremely affirming and incredibly painful. The affirmation is hard to express adequately, but it comes from the transcendent sense that we did the right thing this week. The...

Hello Margaret, Goodbye, SDLP?

The decision to elect Margaret Ritchie MLA leader of the Social, Democratic and Labour Party is the decision which will destroy the party. To be fair, the choice was between a political operator at turns smooth and utterly unsophisticated whom many in the party...

Introducing the #MPsGotTalent meme

I was bored, and have decided to promote a meme. The #MPsGotTalent twitter meme will track politicians in the UK and associate them with the fantasy talent fellow memeticists assume they have. For instance: @benarchibald believes that Sir Alan Beith (Lib Dem) is an...