Speaker Michael Martin is a disgrace

At the end of Prime Minister’s Questions today, the Speaker called upon an MP to speak who was not on his feet, and who, when called, was clearly heard to say ‘that’s a surprise’. The question he asked was clearly a plant, and obviously a...

NI MP expenses

UnionistLite comments on his excellent blog that one solution to the troughing of Northern Ireland MPs might be, in part at least, the end of multiple mandate. He’s right, of course; I would extend that one person one mandate principle all the way down to...

No two-tier MP system

Northern Ireland’s MPs should be treated exactly the same as MPs from other parts of the United Kingdom. Their expenses should be based on their actual attendance at and participation in Parliament, and no MP should be entitled co claim a red cent from the tax...

Police over-reaction strikes again

After the decision not to prosecute Conservative MP Damien Green for doing his job embarrassing the senior police force in the UK, the Metropolitan Police have turned their attention to preventing tourists from taking photographs in the capital. (Guardian) The price...