With friends like these…

A brief insight into the thinking of Labour Party activists on their leader and our Prime Minister, Gordon Brown.  I’m compiling these from online accounts and memory, and could do with more.  Please send them to:  “ben[at]nabidana.com” or drop them...


Fiona Apple has a song, ‘Limp’ which, although directed at a former lover, might well be usefully directed at our old friend Lord Mandelson of Hartlepool, Mortgage Application and Passport Protocol. In the past, if Mandy gave a major policy speech, the...

Mandelson used to be much better at this

Peter Mandelson, First Secretary of State, Lord of the Realm, used to be much better at the smear-and-run stuff. This week he’s seizing on the opportunity to attack Tory backbench MEP Daniel Hannan as some sort of crypto-racist and crypto-facist. Mandelson, the...