How do you solve a problem like gobshites?

How do you solve a problem like gobshites?

That the newspapers have been keen to hoist Maria Miller, the minister responsible for the shepherding the press regulation legislation from a lamppost for continuing to claim a level of expenses on a mortgage after a favourable change in the lending interest rate is...

A change in emphasis

This site has been dormant for a while for a number of reasons.  First of all, it’s hard to shill for a government in power, particularly when things are a bit hiccuppy.  Secondly, I am writing.  I have only so many ideas which don’t involve the secret...


For some reason closely associated with the boring nature of the first half of any government, a novel I’m trying to write. and the release of Battlefield 3 (a violent computer game) I have not been blogging. Happily, David Cameron has finally done...

Revealing the mind of American diplomacy

Most rational people realise that it’s a good thing that people can’t read others’ minds.  Peoples’ internal monologues and internal dialogues are secret because, as human beings, we need space to evaluate information from all parts of our...

Bloody Sunday Inquiry

For decent, humanitarian, human-rights aware British people, this week has been both extremely affirming and incredibly painful. The affirmation is hard to express adequately, but it comes from the transcendent sense that we did the right thing this week. The...