by nabidana | May 11, 2010 | Uncategorized
Rejoice, just rejoice. As Gordon Brown made the single best speech of his life, resigning his commission, I doubt many in the country who care about these things had a dry eye. I’m delighted to see the Labour Party in opposition, and I’m hoping that...
by nabidana | Jan 25, 2010 | Diplomacy, Hoons, Northern Ireland, politics
The title should presage a joke, but, to be honest, the impact of the idiot leaders of the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom flying to Hillsborough today was nothing short of sickening, as each sought to use the situation in Northern Ireland to deflect...
by nabidana | Mar 9, 2009 | Uncategorized
“We will reject the boom and bust policies which caused the collapse of the housing market” – Labour Manifesto, 1997 “By 2010, we want Britain to break away from the decades of boom and bust, as we stick to clear rules for spending and...