Brown declares war on own party

After the hilarious and damning Channel 4 Dispatches programme this evening, three MPs – Geoff Hoon, Patricia Hewitt and Stephen Byers – have all been suspended from the Labour Party. More interesting than that is the decision not to suspend Margaret...
Weekend Contumely 8 January 2010

Weekend Contumely 8 January 2010

A new section of the blog whereupon we kick the tyres on the stories of the week and work out what lessons we can learn. Labour ‘Dodgy Dossier’ Launch Labour are rather keen on launching dossiers, aren’t they?  As if their intelligence dossier on...
An open letter to Comrades Hoon and Hewitt

An open letter to Comrades Hoon and Hewitt

Dear Comrades Hoon and Hewitt, Let me first say that I am shocked, dismayed, disgruntled, flabbergasted, confused, angered, humbled, incensed, overwhelmed, overjoyed, under-impressed, reddened and outraged by your actions of the last few days. Like you, many years ago...