Patrick McGoohan has died

The star and creative force behind of one of the best television series ever created has died, age 80.  Patrick McGoohan’s credits are enormous; he won two Emmy Awards and defined the TV thriller.  The iconic actor will be best remembered for the astounding ITV...

The BBC is smearing Cameron and Osborne

It’s absolutely obvious that the BBC is trying a smash and run on the Conservative Party today, and that the work of Alastair Campbell and the Dark Lord Peter Mandelson is again grabbing hold of the pro labour state broadcaster.  I’ll prove it. Nick...

Palin exceeds expectations

So, Sarah Palin pulled a competent, almost coherent performance out of the bag against the poor Joe Biden last night. I think the public will consider her first half pretty awful, with the second half of the debate putting Biden on the back foot. On balance, I would...