by nabidana | Apr 5, 2010 | Election 2010
The BBC is reporting as a certainty that our Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, is going to ask the Queen to dissolve Parliament and call an election. Finally. After thirteen years of decay and vandalism of our constitution and the principles of our nation, the bottler in...
by nabidana | Jan 21, 2010 | politics
The government really needs to step in with a piece of legislation to ensure that the next General Election is counted on the night of the election. It’s disgraceful that 275 constituencies still haven’t certified their intention to count on the night. The...
by nabidana | Apr 24, 2009 | Hoons, politics
UnionistLite comments on his excellent blog that one solution to the troughing of Northern Ireland MPs might be, in part at least, the end of multiple mandate. He’s right, of course; I would extend that one person one mandate principle all the way down to...
by nabidana | Apr 13, 2009 | Uncategorized
Fascist blogger and denier of the brilliance of the Glorious Leader Guido Fawkes has been recorded by the Mirror denying hiding in piles of leaves last autumn collecting dog dirt in freezer bags. We can reveal how he: DENIES membership of Al-Qameron, the fascist...