Gordon Brown is a lying liar who tells lies.

Far be it from me to take on an orthodoxy, to challenge a custom or to rail against a standard way of doing things, but sometimes, when presented with a silly convention, such as libel law or the principle that politicians ought not call one another liars,...

Fawkes denies dog dirt theft and IRA membership

Fascist blogger and denier of the brilliance of the Glorious Leader Guido Fawkes has been recorded by the Mirror denying hiding in piles of leaves last autumn collecting dog dirt in freezer bags.  We can reveal how he: DENIES membership of Al-Qameron, the fascist...

Jeff Peel, Reg Empey and A Clockwork Orange pt 1

Burgess wrote in introduction to the 1986 edition of his gruesome masterpiece, titled A Clockwork Orange Resucked, that a creature who can only perform good or evil is “a clockwork orange — meaning that he has the appearance of an organism lovely with colour and...