MI6 admits no more ‘Anna Chapmans’ in UK

In an unprecedented shift from normal protocols, the Secret Intelligence Service MI6 has disclosed publicly a ‘disappointing reduction’ in the number of attractive and sexually voracious foreign spies sent to the UK.   In the newly released expurgated and...

Change is good

Changing web hosting provider is never pretty, especially when they all seem to want to offer nonsensical services as product differentiation.  As a result, what seemed like a comedy ‘it may take 2 weeks to get the site up and running again’  post is...

Bloody Sunday Inquiry

For decent, humanitarian, human-rights aware British people, this week has been both extremely affirming and incredibly painful. The affirmation is hard to express adequately, but it comes from the transcendent sense that we did the right thing this week. The...

One Website to Rule Them All – emay06.mp

I’ve been sitting on this for a few weeks, but I’m delighted now to further spread the word about eMay06.mp, a one-stop no-spin shop for the UK General Election.  The developer of the site, emoad, is a supplier of date-sensitive or date related campaigning...
UKIP leader writes to David Cameron

UKIP leader writes to David Cameron

Lord Pearson, Leader of the UK Independence Party Friday 9 April 2010 Dear Mr. Cameron, I have decided to write to you today to clarify some of the comments which have been attributed to me on the subject of the desirability or no of a working majority for you as...